How to successfully implement IoT

Views: 36     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-08-09      Origin: Site

Six S’s:

1. Specify - What problem / pain point needs to be solved?

2. Success - Can you define the success of a project?

3. Start Small - Proof of concept projects on limited number of lines or assets, then look to scale.

4. Senior support - Need senior sponsorship, with a long-term vision of how the technologies will be used in the business.

5. Shared responsibility – are both the IT and OT teams involved?

6. Support staff - Get your people involved in the project (they can support in new applications).

Review current capabilities and solutions:

• The need for investment can varied significantly. Before starting, a company should understand the current state of its facilities.

• Is there a need for the introduction of additional sensors? What type?

• How is the facility connected and does this support quick collection of large amounts of data?

• Is hard wired or wireless the best medium for collecting data?

• Is a cloud platform currently in place, and does it have the capability to support elements of the project such as data aggregation, analytics and visualization of data?

• What levels of cybersecurity are in place (for hardware, software and employee training)?

• What solutions are in place to enable information to be fed back to the user?


• Proper training for employees will accelerate awareness and compliance of the technology down to the factory floor.

• Long-term senior management must be involved to promote adoption of technology across all facilities.

• Building big data analytics into financial road map saves the need to apply annually for additional funding for continuation of the project.

Dealing with data:

• Transitioning from a manual to an automated process for data capture was identified as an important step in condition monitoring.

• Create a target for the frequency of data collection to ensure a high confidence in the data used.

• Tag data collected to the outcome of production – this produces labelled data which is easier to analyze.

• Ensure readings are of a good quality. This includes correctly mounting sensors at the correct points on a machine, so that data collected is consistent and accurate.

• Work with the cloud to ensure scalability of projects as you move from PoC (proof of concept) to mainstream applications.

Suggestions on partnerships with vendors:

• Work with open software across different machine types and specify that suppliers must support open software / solutions that can be used on an open platform.

• Work with more than one IoT platform.

• Select a supplier that is able to coordinate with an ecosystem of partners.

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